What a trip! Great race atmosphere, great friends and a fast course albeit not too technical, very hard to go fast, to me at least (being 1st timer and all). Not to mention no push up!!!
ROAMers present: Bully, Yamm, Rizal & Amad + new ROAMer Fadzlee. Guest ROAMers: Man Boy and Is from Singapore.
We rode together, slept in same area, went out together +++
Also present were Project Maheez team of Choy Zure, Choy Linda, Choy Armijn, Choy Riesa and Choy Hon Chun, making it a most wonderful crowd!!! Tapirtuned was represented! (and made it to the podium too...
Some choice pics:
The roamer as we start the day everyday...
more pics at
sorry no race pics yet, its in Amad "the Shooter"'s camera la... wait for it..
ROAMers present: Bully, Yamm, Rizal & Amad + new ROAMer Fadzlee. Guest ROAMers: Man Boy and Is from Singapore.
We rode together, slept in same area, went out together +++
Also present were Project Maheez team of Choy Zure, Choy Linda, Choy Armijn, Choy Riesa and Choy Hon Chun, making it a most wonderful crowd!!! Tapirtuned was represented! (and made it to the podium too...
Some choice pics:
The roamer as we start the day everyday...
more pics at
sorry no race pics yet, its in Amad "the Shooter"'s camera la... wait for it..